More About Me

Who is Dani Lopez the Realtor

I own my work! I always have, but what does that mean to you? It means that from start to finish, I am as responsible as you (or more) for the tasks on your checklist to get you to the finish line.

If a cleaning service is needed, a landscaper, smart home service? I will do the research needed to find the one that aligns with your needs and ideals. As I have done for past clients. 

I am extremely hands-on and purposefully keep a very light load of clients at one time in order to give you my absolute best; because I consider the way I naturally work to be of White Glove status...but from your best friend!

Growing up with the military gave me the opportunity to live in and travel to amazing places and meet great people. That is where my love of people was born, and eventually led me to earn my BS in Corporate Communication (PR, HR, Marketing). 

I have a passion for getting to know you and your family and helping to accomplish your goals, just as I do with my own family.

So let's get started!

